Club Meetings:
The General Meeting of the Magic Metal Motoring Club is held on the THIRD TUESDAY OF EVEN MONTHS at the The Richmond Club, Riversands 2 Function Room, Cnr East Market St and Francis St Richmond to deal with Club business and enjoy the company of members and visitors. Dinner commencing from 6pm, General Meeting commencing at 7.30pm.
Routine business is dealt with by the Committee which meets on the THIRD TUESDAY OF ODD MONTHS. Any member may attend the Committee meeting as an observer. There is no Committee meeting in January.
The Annual General Meeting is held in conjunction with the August General Meeting.
Club Membership:
Membership shall be open to all persons subscribing to the objectives and rules of the club and who have attended club events as visitors. Visitors are always welcome.
Becoming a Member is easy. Simply attend a General Meeting/Event.
Club Rules:
Before Membership may be obtained: The applicant must complete an Application for Membership form and attend at least four (4) Events before their application can be processed by the Committee. Conditional registration is available after you have been a financial member for 2 months. Members are expected to attend at least 4 club events each year to retain membership.
Club Objectives:
•To encourage the preservation and restoration of motor vehicles of historic significance. The term Motor Vehicle refers to all forms of motorised road transport, including Cars, Trucks and Motor Cycles.
•To promote social and community activities for the members.
•Engage in rallies, exhibitions and other events suitable for Motor Vehicles.
•Offer the services of the Club, its members and vehicles, to charitable organisations.
•Form relationships with like-minded clubs, for mutual support and benefit.
•Be a not-for-profit organisation. Accumulated profits are to be used for the requirements of the club and at the committee's discretion for the betterment of the club.
•Encourage the retention of Vintage and Classic Motor Vehicles.
•Promote a spirit of fellowship and goodwill among members.